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Our Pastor:
Rev. Romandis P. Moore

Rev. Romandis Moore, born February 13th, 1971 to Billy and Louvenia Moore-Ingram, born and raised in the Austin Community of Chicago, IL, and educated at Albert G. Lane Technical High School, one of the most prestigious secondary schools in the city.  He excelled in education and in particular music. Rev. Moore continued on to receive a Bachelors of Music Ministration/Business Degree from Morris Booker Memorial College of Dermott, Arkansas. He has also taken several certified study courses of bible training under the Evangelical Training Association, taught by great teachers of the Moody Bible Institute. He continues to be an ongoing student and teacher of the bible. He also earned a certificate from AIU Online in Their Future Leadership Program while becoming a Director of Admissions at their Online Campus.


In 1992 at the young age of 21, Rev. Moore received, acknowledged, and accepted the higher calling of God to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ while serving at Pleasant Ridge Missionary Baptist Church. He preached his first sermon and was licensed on January 10th 1993. He was later ordained June 7, 1998 while under the tutelage of his Pastor, Dr. Joseph Jones. There on, he served faithfully as a licensed/ordained minister at Pleasant Ridge Missionary Baptist Church until he acknowledged God calling him to the ministry gift of the Pastor.


God, counting him faithful, continued to bless, anoint, and direct Rev. Moore  while still serving and assisting the vision of Pastor Jones @ Pleasant Ridge MBC as their Youth/Young Adult Pastor and Director of Music Ministry. Rev. Moore had always known his place was to support the vision of his Pastor and church home until August of 2007, God would then entrust him with His vision- COAH (City On A Hill) Ministries.


God continued to show Rev. Moore that it was time to carry out the assignment that was given to him. God gave him a glimpse of what He desired of him to do and it blew Rev. Moore’s mind. He then realized that when God gives a Vision, it tends to be bigger than what ones human mind can comprehend. After much prayer and processing, in March of 2015 God gave the provisions necessary for Rev. Moore to start the journey and layout the vision. COAH Ministries was birthed!

Of all that Pastor Moore has accomplished, he is most proud of having the distinct honor of choosing as his wife Lady Brenda Moore, and to our union three beautiful, healthy children were born- Romandis Moore Jr., Jacoby & Nevaeh Moore (the twins).

Through diligence, commitment, focused-faith, excellence and vision, Pastor Moore continues to excel as a Modern Day Joshua. His obedience to hear God and do the Will of God, has allowed not only himself, but also the people he leads to experience a deeper level of faith, maturity, and relationship with God. Rev. Moore and his anointed spirit, remains a teacher, an anointed preacher, husband and father with a heart for God.

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